Both as a company and as a group of like-minded individuals, NEXT-DC has supported the protests for change in Bulgaria since day one.
Despite the ruling elite’s attempts to discredit the social unrest in every way they can, we see the protests for what they truly are — a sincere representation of the people’s repulsion from the corrupt political system, unjust legislation, protection of criminal figures and lack of a European vision for the future, displayed by this government and many before it.
Like the tens of thousands protesting across the country, we believe it’s time for change. We are all looking into the future, hoping to see innovation, growth and prosperity, as opposed to corruption, vulgarity and cynicism. And apart from physically attending the protests, we know that everyone should use their expertise and creative energy to play their small part in this movement.
Social media can be a powerful tool to amplify the voice of every protest no matter where it happens and to inspire a growing attendance. What we found was that the protest movement in Bulgaria is not represented visually in the most popular online platforms that help people document what’s really happening and to express their views with a wider audience.
Designed by Teodor Genov (Pastedko) and Evgenia Nikolova, our Instagram Story GIF pack aims to give your next protest story a visual boost, wherever you are. To use it, you simply have to search for “OSTAVKA” within the Instagram Stories GIF functionality. You can also find the GIF pack by typing “RESIGN”, if you are located in some other part of the world that needs visual support for its local cause for change.
We hope this inspires other talented designers and illustrators across the country (or around the world) to get creative and to upload their own protest stickers to GIPHY for everyone else to use. Stay tuned, some more gifs are coming from us in the following days.
NEXT-DC doesn’t support any political party, we support everyone who seeks change in the system and those who want to live in a truly European country where the law stands above all and doesn’t coexist with corrupted politics.
See you in the streets!